ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the application Facilities Management Procedures is to aid in prolonging the life span of the building. It’s indicated that the type of maintenance and procedures used will help in preserving historical buildings. The research examines the level of application of Facilities Management Procedures in Historical Building using Tafawa Balewa Square as the Case study. The research adopted a survey design and used self- administered questionnaires that were served on 133 users of the case study. Out of this number 88 were received back. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tool. The study found out that, the maintenance of equipment and systems in line with the manufacturer’s specification is a the procedure best carried out by the Facilities Manager of the case study, while the use of substandard materials and building components does not occur in the maintenance of the case study. During the analysis of Performance of Facility Management as applied to the case study, routine inspection was rated as the highest task carry out by the Facility Manager, replacement of equipment when faulty is a task Facility Manager of the case study find it hard to tackle. The nonpayment of service charge by the user is the greatest challenge faced by the Facilities Manager of the case study. It is recommended that great awareness is done to let users know why Facilities Management is needed in all kind of buildings and the payment of service charge is best pay before the services are rendered to enable tasks to be done when needed and not to be delayed because of lack of fund.